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What Is an Interstate Custody Agreement?

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Navigating the complexities of child custody is never easy, but the situation can become even more convoluted when parents reside in different states. In such cases, what you need is an interstate custody agreement. This legal document serves as a blueprint for how custody of the children will be shared across state lines. Read on to learn about what an interstate custody agreement entails and its significance under California law. If you are going through a divorce or relocating out-of-state as a parent with minor children, reach out to Blasser Law in Claremont for guidance and help from a team of skilled and experienced California family law attorneys.

The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)

In California, as in other states, interstate custody matters often fall under the purview of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). The ICPC is an agreement among all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands designed to ensure that the best interests of children are protected when they move from one state to another. It lays the groundwork for how custody arrangements should be addressed, ensuring the safety and well-being of the children involved.

Understanding the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)

The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) is another critical law that applies to interstate custody agreements in California. Adopted by almost every state, this law clarifies which state has jurisdiction over child custody matters. Under UCCJEA, jurisdiction generally lies with the child’s “home state,” defined as the state where the child has lived with a parent for six consecutive months immediately before the legal action. On the other hand, if a custody order is already in place, then the original court generally has jurisdiction over any proposed custody modifications, except that the court might decide another court is better suited to hear the motion.

Factors that might lead a court in another state to decide custody matters, including a modification of an existing court order, could include:

  • The depth of connections between the child and others within the state, including family, teachers and doctors
  • Concerns regarding the child’s safety or health if the child were to be sent back to the first state, such as a risk of neglect or abandonment

Key Elements of an Interstate Custody Agreement

Interstate custody agreements often include the following components:

  • Visitation Schedule: Clearly laid-out visitation schedules prevent confusion and conflict. They include details about how the child will travel between states, who will bear the travel costs, and other logistical aspects.

  • Legal Custody: This specifies who will make significant life decisions for the child, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

  • Physical Custody: Physical custody arrangements determine where the child will reside. This can be either joint physical custody or sole physical custody with one parent, with visitation rights for the other.

  • Child Support: Interstate custody agreements should explicitly mention child support obligations, factoring in the cost of travel for visitations.

  • Dispute Resolution: Given the complexities of interstate cases, having a dispute resolution mechanism is crucial. It outlines the steps that will be taken if either party violates the terms of the agreement.

Call Blasser Law for Help With Interstate Custody Agreements in Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley

Given the intricate layers of state and federal laws involved, drafting an interstate custody agreement requires expert legal advice. An attorney well-versed in California divorce and family law can help you navigate these complexities, ensuring legal compliance across the board and minimizing the chances of legal issues down the line. For help with interstate custody agreements or other matters related to divorce, custody or family law in Los Angeles or the San Gabriel Valley, reach out to Blasser Law at 877-927-2181 for sound advice and immediate assistance.

Blasser Law

445 West Foothill Blvd., Suite 108
Claremont, CA 91711




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